15 september 2024 General, Release

I have been informed today of a severe vulnerability in the last available version of Ubooquity 2 (version 2.1.2).
A fixed version is available on the usual download page, version 2.1.4.
Please update as soon as possible.
Ubooquity 3 is not impacted by this vulnerability and can be used safely.
15 october 2023 General
A BETA version of Ubooquity 3 is available.

Due to the high number of changes made since the last release, a few bugs might still be around.
Wait a few weeks for the next stable release(version 3.1) if you want to minimize the risk of issues.
Until that stable release is available, the download and documentation pages of this site will still reference Ubooquity 2.
Documentation specific to version 3 is mentionned below.
New requirements and migration from version 2
The minimum Java version required to run Ubooquity is now Java 17.
When coming from Ubooquity version 2, your preferences (in the preferences.json
file) will be automatically converted to the new preference format (in the preferences-2.json
file) without erasing them. The whole database will have to be recreated though, meaning your collection will have to be rescanned.
Themes from version 2 are not compatible with version 3, you should revert to the default theme (in the settings) if you use a custom theme.
Download Ubooquity3 BETA
New features
- Comics and books sections have ben unified. When sharing a folder, you have to select a category (comics, books, magazines, documents or others), but this category will just be used to group the files on the home page, Ubooquity no longer treats your files differently depending on their section/category.
- Reading progress is now displayed in the library and details views, with "mark as read/unread" buttons in the details.

- Themes have been made much more flexible, with full control over the HTML files. See the dedicated documentation for more details, and the variable reference for a complete list of the data you can use in your custom themes:
- Thumbnail compression level can now be adjusted in the settings.
- Two new API endpoints (callable using a secret API key, see the advanced settings page for details and examples) were added:
- one to remotely trigger a collection scan
- one to remotely trigger a server shutdown.
- Duplicate files detection: at the end of each scan Ubooquity will list in the logs the duplicates it found (files with the same name and size).
Other changes
- Fixed display of transparent images in DJVU documents.
- Upgraded all dependencies.
- Made epub parsing more resilient.
- Improved handling of files with incorrect extensions.
- Reimplemented the desktop UI in Swing since Java 11+ does not support JavaFX out of the box anymore.
- Ubooquity is now developped in Kotlin, although a lot of Java code is still there. Full code conversion/rewrite will be done progressively.
- A lot of miscellaneous small bug fixes.
13 december 2021 General
You might have heard about Log4shell, a critical vulnerability in the widely used Log4j logging library.
Ubooquity does not use this library (logging is done with Logback), so it is not affected by this vulnerability.
02 september 2014 General
The ubooquity website now has a dedicated forum, hosted on UserEcho.
This forum is meant to gather your feedback (questions, ideas, bugs...) in a single place so that discussions between users can take place more easily than in the comments section of the news. It also has a few interesting features:
A voting system that will help me to know among the feature I'm asked to implement the ones that are the most popular.
A status label ("planned", "started", "declined") displayed on feature requests that will give you a better visibility over the future of the application.
An integrated search engine to easily find topics when looking for informations.
Private messages can also be directly sent to me through the forum. I will keep the contact page online for now, but they are redundant.
The only drawback: you will have to sign in to the forum before being able to post or send a message. But you can do that using a lot of different account provider (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, OpenID...) or by directly creating a UserEcho account, so it should not be a big problem.
Go to the forum by clicking the "Forum" link in the top menu or the "Feedback" label on the right side of your screen.
05 february 2014 General
In the last weeks I received a few questions about the features that might be added to Ubooquity in the future. Here's a sneak peek of what's possible (and what's not) in no particular order.
OPDS support
I don't know OPDS very well, but it seems to be an XML files generated using the content of the database. I see no reason this could not be implemented, and it would be quite useful to be able to plug other software to Ubooquity.
HTTPS support
For now, the HTTP server used internally by Ubooquity, NanoHTTPD, does not support HTTP Secure (HTTPS) in his stable version. A beta version supporting SSL (therefore HTTPS) is currently being tested by the NanoHTTPD developers though.
When the feature is stable I'll try to integrate it in Ubooquity to allow access through HTTP.S
PDF support in book section
Today, PDF are considered to be comics due to the difference Ubooquity makes when managing metadata for comics and books. In short: comics files don't provide metadata (as they are just a compressed folder of image files).
Since most of the PDF files I've seen don't provide metadata either, I did not bother extracting them and the PDF files landed in the comics category.
But I can see why having them in the book categaory could be useful as well. And technically nothing prevents it.
Mobi support
This one's harder as there is no Java library supporting Mobi files processing (contrary to epub, which is a standard format). But since what I only need is cover and metadata extraction, mobi support might still be doable... I'll have to dig deeper.
Not convinced on this one. There is very little text on the web pages served by Ubooquity, and I would expect anybody capable of setting up a server to understand english well enough to understand Ubooquity's options.
I might be wrong though.
Themes support
Theme support (CSS and images replacement) is pretty much already coded as it was one of my v1.0 target features. The only missing things are the right option in the interface and a second theme to demonstrate the concept (and somebody asking for it, as the current theme satisfies me for now).