24 april 2017 Release
Ubooquity 2.0.2 is available.
This version fixes bugs found in 2.0.0 thanks to your messages in the forum.
This version is still considered BETA. Wait for 2.1.0 if you want a stable version.
Download Ubooquity 2.0.2 BETA
Change log
Bug fixes:
- Fixed crash at startup on platform where JavaFX library is not available
- Fixed empty, unnecessary page in OPDS feed when total number of items is a multiple of pagination number
- Fixed unreachable folder info resources
- Make web server more resilient to invalid keystore
- Fixed file download from OPDS feeds
- Add support for custom script in user themes (just add a file named themeScript.js at the root of your theme, it will be included in all pages served by Ubooquity, except for the online reader and admin page)
- Add option to display metadata title instead of filename
14 april 2017 Release
It's been a while (almost a year), but a new version of Ubooquity is available, with a few caveats and important remarks:
- Due to the deep modifications that have been made, this version is to be considered a BETA, with potentially a few more bugs than usual.
- Preferences file format and database structure have changed: you will loose your settings and a full rescan of your collection will be required. You might as well install this version in a new directory and keep the previous one (not running at the same time though, or don't use the same ports).
- This new version has to be configured using the web interface: the previous desktop UI has been almost completely removed, keeping only the bare minmum so that you can launch it without using the command line if you don't want to.
- Ubooquity now uses two different ports: one for the administration page, the other for your library.
- The Modern theme is now the default theme.
Now if you feel a bit adventurous, you can download the new version using the link below (the one on the "Download" page is still the last stable 1.10.1 version).
Also, if you post messages about this version on the forum, please mention this is Ubooquity 2.0.0, not 1.10.0, thanks !
Download Ubooquity 2.0.0 BETA
Here is the detailed list of changes.
New features and improvements
- Unreadable files are now ignored.
- Empty folders are now completely ignored as well.
- As mentionned before, the default theme is now "Modern". The legacy black theme will be provided as a stand-alone theme later.
- Comic metadata improvements. New fields are parsed: publisher, alt series, alt series index. Integration and display is not complete yet, though.
- Books and comics are now displayed using their file name instead of the title found in the metadata.
- Exclusion patterns have been simplified; the pattern does not have to match the whole path anymore.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented the fonts used by the online Epub reader from being properly extracted during Ubooquity startup.
- Fixed PDF description field set to "null" when metadata is not found.
- Fixed some PDF and Epub parsing issues.
- Fixed bug that prevented the reading of comics with a capitalized extension.
- Fixed cropped image when displaying comic pages in original size (in the comics online reader)
- Fixed font selector missing update in book reader
- Fixed OPDS sorting issue for OPDS client which did not respect the provided entries order
- And a few other minor ones...
I'll probably publish a few additional 2.0.x versions with bug fixes and small new features.
If you want a more stable version, wait for 2.1.0.
08 may 2016 Release
Ubooquity 1.10.0 is available.
Update: 1.10.0 has been replaced by 1.10.1 which contains a fix for reading secured PDF documents and prevents the usage of Java new color management library (LittleCMS) which is apparently absent from some systems.
New requirements
Starting with this version, Ubooquity requires Java 8.
(Java 7 support by Oracle stopped more than a year ago, time to upgrade !)
Fixed bugs
Fixed PDF rendering problem caused by some versions of Java (cf forum)
Fixed user authentication not working when shared folders are symbolic links (cf forum)
Detailed explanation
About PDF
Apparently, the old library used by Ubooquity for PDF rendering has been broken by recent updates of Java (both 7 and 8). This library has been removed and all PDF (books and comics) are now renderend by an updated version of PDFBox, which happened to improve a lot recently.
Among the consequences is a probable performance hit (CPU and memory) for some people as JPedal (the old library) was faster than PDFBox. On the other hand, almost all properly formed PDF can now be read online provided your device is powerful enough.
About symbolic links
If activating user login prevented you from seeing your shared folders content (as described on the forum), you might have shared (knowingly or not) a symbolic link instead of an actual directory.
Ubooquity now supports symbolic links: to fix the issue, just edit and save your books/comics settings again.
Get it on the download page
21 february 2016 Release
Ubooquity 1.9.1 is available.
Mostly bug fixes:
The raw files section was not working anymore when running on Java 7 (Java 8 was not affected)
The epub reader settings window could not be closed on Chrome
Some comics were not displayed when using user authentication and having autoscan disabled
Ubooquity now also reads ComicRack metadata files (ComicInfo.xml) even when they are not properly named (lower case).
Get it on the download page
06 february 2016 Release
Ubooquity 1.9.0 is available.
New features and improvements
Online epub reader
You can now read epub files online the same way you already could with comics and PDF books.

The online comics reader manages double page splitting much better than before
Thumbnails dimensions are now limited in the default and Modern themes. You don't need to manually resize your custom folder images anymore
Better favicons for bookmarks
Ubooquity is now fullscreen on Android devices when launched from a home screen shortcut
Changed skin of the GUI (should me more usable on Linux)
Fixed reverse proxy for PDF books online reader
Raw files are now alphabetically sorted
New logs: scan statistics and online reader accessed books/comics
Get it on the download page